What is Sigma?
Six Sigma is both a methodology for process improvement and a statistical concept that seeks to define the variation inherent in any process. The overarching premise of Six Sigma is that variation in a process leads to opportunities for error; opportunities for error then lead to risks for product defects. Product defects—whether in a tangible process or a service—lead to poor customer satisfaction. By working to reduce variation and opportunities for error, the Six Sigma method ultimately reduces process costs and increases customer satisfaction.

Over the past century, industry around the world has been more efficient than ever in terms of both output and quality. Especially when improved theories and methods are put into practice after rigorous testing. One of the most influential methods among them is Six Sigma. Started as a formative solution in manufacturing, this method quickly became effective and is now being applied in many fields such as garment, finance,…
The article in the link below will give you all the information you need about Six Sigma, including its definition, origin, how it works, what tools it uses, and how you can train to become one certified to practice Six Sigma. Plus, experts explain the benefits Six Sigma can offer you and your company.