Coronavirus: Các cửa hàng có thể bắt đầu mở cửa trở lại vào tháng ngày 1-6

Coronavirus: Shops could begin reopening in June

Shops could start to reopen from 1 June, if the government is satisfied that Covid-19 has been subdued to the necessary level, prime minister Boris Johnson told the country tonight.
The phased reopening could happen as early as 1 June as part of the government’s new “road map” for dealing with the ongoing virus outbreak.
Further details are to be released in due course and the date is dependent on the government being satisfied with the progress in containing the virus.
Johnson said: ”Over the next two months we will be driven not by mere hope or economic necessity but science and statistics and public health.”
“Since our priority is to protect the public and save lives, we cannot move forward unless we satisfy the five tests:

  • Making sure the NHS can cope;
  • A ‘sustained and consistent’ fall in the daily death rate;
  • Rate of infection decreasing to ‘manageable levels’;
  • Ensuring the supply of tests and PPE can meet future demand;
  • Being confident any adjustments would not risk a second peak that would overwhelm the NHS.”

The prime minister said it was not yet time to lift lockdown restrictions. However, he announced a ”change in emphasis” on lockdown guidance.
Those who cannot work at home in sectors including manufacturing are now being “actively encouraged” to go to work from tomorrow [11 May], avoiding public transport where possible.
In the address, Johnson said the public was now encouraged to take unlimited amounts of daily exercise, drive to other destinations, sit in the sun in local parks and play sports with members of their own households. All while obeying social distancing rules.
Johnson also unveiled a new five-tier alert system as part of the government’s response in England. It will rank the threat of coronavirus nationally and in local areas. Alert levels will be determined by the number of cases and the “R” number, or transmission rate, of the virus.
He said the system would “avoid going back to square one”.
Of the provisional plan laid out, the prime minister said: ”We will be monitoring our progress locally, regionally and nationally. If there are outbreaks we will not hesitate to put on the breaks.
”We have been through the initial peak but it is coming down the mountain that is often more dangerous.”
The prime minister will be laying out more details in parliament tomorrow.

Responding to the update, chief executive of the British Retail Consortium (BRC), Helen Dickinson said: “We share the view of the Prime Minister that safety is what counts when determining when shops can reopen. Already retailers around the country are working on plans for reopening safely and with all necessary social distancing measures in place. The BRC and Usdaw have supported this process with our own social distancing guidance, learning from the experiences of thousands of supermarkets and other essential retailers. It is vital that the reopening of stores is based on who can do so safely, as opposed to trying to draw lines in terms of different sizes or types of shop.
“Further clarity is needed in coming days and we look forward to more details from the Government. We need a plan for shopping as well as shops – this means a plan that allows safe navigation both to and through our retail centres – and we look forward to continuing to work closely with the Government to support this process.”
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